The Last Caudillo.Alvaro Obregon And The Mexican


ISBN: 9781405199025
Año: 2011
Editorial: Wiley
Autor: Jurgen Buchenau

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The Last Caudillo presents a brief biography of the life and times of General Alvaro Obregón, along with new insights into the Mexican Revolution and authoritarian rule in Latin America.
Features a succinct biography of the life and times of a fascinating figure in Mexico’s revolutionary past
Represents the most analytical and up-to-date study of caudillo/military strongman rule
Sheds new light on the networks and discourse practices that support rulers such as the Castros in Cuba and Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, and the emergence of modern Mexico
Offers new insights into the role of leadership, the nature of revolution, and the complex forces that helped shape modern Mexico

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